Pig, Duck, Cat and the Little Red Hen

The tale of The Little Red Hen is presented
in French and Spanish as an animated story without text

Click the links below to hear the story. Best viewed full screen - press F11

The narrative can be paused and restarted at any point by using the buttons at the bottom of each page.


This unit of work could be delivered under a range of topic headings within the primary curriculum, for example:
Animals, On The Farm, Growing, Food We Eat, The Countryside (or contrasting localities), Friends (SEAL), Helping Others (SEAL)

Suggested activities:

Lessons 1-2

Introduce the story in French or Spanish using the narrative format script.
Show the Flash file of the story inviting children to join in where possible.
Repeat the above 2 activities regularly until pupils can join in with chunks of the story spontaneously.

Lesson 3-4

Use the collaborative learning strategy of Inside/Outside circle to introduce the nouns of the story.  This works in the following manner:

  • Divide the class into two groups.
  • Ask one group to form a circle facing outwards.
  • Give this group an A4 sheet with information about the nouns in the story.
  • Cut up the noun cards.
  • Give each pupil in the remaining group 3 noun cards each.
  • The group of children with the noun cards form a circle outside the other group facing inwards.
  • Pupils should now be facing each other.
  • The outside pupil asks the inside pupil for information about one of his noun cards.
  • The inside pupil finds the word on the sheet and proceeds to help the outside pupil remember the information.
  • After a short time tell the outside circle to move around so that they are in front of a different pupil.
  • The outside pupil relates the information he has learned from the previous encounter.
  • The inside pupil checks that the information is correct.  If it is,  they move onto another noun, if not,  the inside pupil offers support in remember the first noun.
  • Continue the activity until you feel that maximum learning has taken place.

In the following lesson you could swap the roles around so that the outside group form the inside group and offer help and support to the others.

Lesson 5-6

Show the PowerPoint of the story and tell the class that you are going to use your knowledge of the story to attempt to read it.

Read out each phrase of the first page of the story using mimes from the narrative format text.
Ask pupils to repeat both phrase and gesture.
Now read the page together without the mime.
Discuss phonic issues as and when they arise.
Repeat for each page of the story.

Use the booklets to encourage reading in small groups.

Discuss with the class whether the story is about good quality friendship or poor quality friendship.
Ask them what phrases in the story would need to change in order for the story to be an example of good friendship.
Show PowerPoint of alternative story and ask pupils to act out the good friendship story.

Supporting Resources

Little Red Hen story



Pdf | Word


Pdf | Word

Puppet pictures

Puppet Pictures

Pdf | Word

Narrative format text

Narrative Format Text

Pdf | Word

Noun cards

Noun Cards


Pdf | Word

Image gallery

Click on a thumbnail image below to enlarge, then right click to save or copy to any program such as Word, PowerPoint, Smart Notebook, Comic Life, 2Publish+, 2Create a Story etc. Why not make up your own version of the story in your chosen language?

  • hen
  • cat
  • duck
  • pig
  • hen pecking
  • grains
  • wheat
  • wheatsheaf
  • miller
  • cat
  • bread
  • All four with bread