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Dans la petite ville sans histoires de Saint Bonnet-le-Froid, près de Nîmes dans le sud de la France, il y a un petit restaurant, appelé "Le Chat Noir".....

Click here to enjoy the story!
(Each of the 35 scenes can be accessed separately from the menu)

Are you looking for something completely different to appeal to Year 7 and 8 students?

With Fawlty Towers type humour, this animated soap opera takes place in a café in the south of France.
The dialogue is rich in slang and colloquialisms, enabling your students to encounter the kind of language they want to know.

If you are worried about own grasp of slang, don’t worry, it comes complete with a Dico d’Argot.

This resource will help your students understand about formal and informal language and the different situations in which to use it.
With lots of opportunities to predict and speculate, they can start to use the language of possibility and probability.

Additional Resources

Click on the links for lesson plans and activities...

Café du Chat Noir

5. Que mange-t-on au Chat Noir aujourd’hui?Dans le frigo

1. Introduction and street name quiz

Plan de Ville

6. On va au marchéLearning slang