Comparing Languages ManualIf you have already been using The Fairy Tales in your main focus language, you will already be on your way to becoming more confident in the role of a skilled facilitator to language learning.

You might now like to consider adding breadth and depth to your own and your children’s language learning experience by comparing the fairy tales in different languages. contents page

This new resource will hopefully encourage you, whether a specialist or non-specialist, to engage the same thinking skills of looking for similarities and differences, spotting patterns and making connections.  The activities at text, word and sentence levels focus on building up knowledge about language and language learning strategies and will allow the children to transfer their new found skills from one language to another.     

You will find that your children will start to respond personally to the languages they are exposed to and start to feel like real language learners.  With their language learning experience enriched in this way, they will also be in a strong position to make an informed choice if and when they are called upon to choose a language to study at a later date.

Click here to download the 66 page manual: Pdf | Word